Wednesday, March 30, 2011


To those of you who enjoy reading my Game Day blogs, I apologize for the lack there of.  But with the Game finale, tonight, I think it’s a good as time as any to Recap this season of the Game. 
Melanie & Derwin:
If Melanie & Derwin aren’t the most drama filled couple, I don’t know who is. We started this season off with Melanie doing an “illegal” DNA test on Derwin’s son, DJ, only to give Derwin the wrong results. (Melanie: “you are not the father..oh wait you are” #Fail) . All of this led to, Janay threatening  a custody battle, Derwin lying  to Melanie about going to court, and Melanie and Janay having an unnecessary argument at a restaurant. 
Oh and did I mention the almost threesome between Melanie, Derwin, and random girl and Melanie’s sudden desire to have a baby.

Malik Wright
This season Malik is the most drama filled and eventful character.  He has an affair with the Saber owners wife. He sleeps with Tee Tee’s girl. He struggles through an addiction. He assaults a cop. He goes to jail, then rehab. He meets a girl in rehab, falls in love,  makes up with Tee Tee, gets blackmailed by team owners wife…(Whew) gets exposed by team owners wife,  gets dumped, and threaten by team owner.

Tasha Mack
Well Tasha is pretty much the same old Tasha just a little more successful and with a little more money.  She was a member of cougar town, until she messed up yet another relationship with young Dante.  She is the only person I know who will pretend shes still with a man and throw him a party he knows nothing about.  Talk about riding a lie ‘til the wheels fall off!
Jason & Kelly
Not much to say about Jason and Kelly, except two years later these two are still trying to find them selves outside of their marriage.  Kelly started a realty show and turned into a nuisance.  Jason was dropped from the Sabers and became a part of a sports show.  While these two were out doing their thing, their daughter Britney was turning into a B@#&h.  I am happy to say once Jason and Kelly stopped being so focused on themselves they realized what their bratty daughter was turning into and made a change.  Britney went to live with Jason, and Kelly went to find herself.
5.Boom Campaign

4.  Malik Gets Arrested

3. Parker Blackmails Malik
2.  DNA Results

1. Dip &Pitts

What are your favorite moments? What did you think of tonights finale? Let me know! Leave your comments. I'm Jess sayin' Game Over!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Ok it’s 5:10 am...been up since 4 am. Why? Great question! Unfortunately I have no idea.  It seems my subconscious mind had too much to say for my dreams. Therefore I’m awake and my brain just won’t shut up!  Why is it that some nights you have so much to say, it interrupts your sleep? Your mind goes over and over again and you have no way of stopping it. Maybe it’s because it’s so quiet at this time, you can hear yourself better. Here are some of the things I along with some of my insomniac friends think about in the early morning hours:
1)      All my life problems….
2)      Do color blind people see in black and white or do all the colors blend together?
3)      Who made words, can I make words?
4)      Where did the moon go? It was just outside my window, now it’s gone…creepy.
5)      Why are people updating their status? Do they have the same question about me?
6)      I am sooo thirsty!
7)      How many hours until I really have to get up?
8)      If you break a piano key, do you call a locksmith?
9)      Where are people going this time of morning? Or are they coming from somewhere?
10)   If I wasn’t delirious would I really want to buy this stuff off the infomercial
11)   What time is it now?

*inspired by k2 lol

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This just in! According to one of my loyal readers, a man was found hawk spitting on the bus. Yes spitting on the bus..on the floor. WTH is the world coming to. This has gone too far.

Not only is spitting disgusting but its worse inside.

I'm jess sayin'!

Friday, February 11, 2011


This week’s episode of the game was dominated by Derwin screwing up again...smh. Once again he created a situation which ultimately caused drama between the women in his life and added more stress on him.
For those of you who missed it. Derwin pretended he was going to court with Janay everyday over custody of DJ, when really he was going over Janay’s house everyday spending time with DJ and Janay. When Melanie and Janay run into each other at a restaurant the cat is let out of the bag.

Question: Derwin why did you lie?
He had Melanie feel bad about him having to go to court. He made her look like a fool in front of Janay, by her being unaware of her husband’s whereabouts.
He made Janay have to deal with an uncomfortable situation. He made her get all sucked into this fantasy family.
Now Derwin feels like an ass. Good! You should because once again you created this situation.
What do you think? Could this drama have been avoided? Is Derwin playing both sides of the fence? Leave comments and let me know. I’m Jess Sayin’ Derwin, Step Your Game Up!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Game On: Malik Wright

I dedicate this Game Day blog to Malik Wright...I support you. This weeks episode left me feeling a little down. Poor Malik, despite his sometimes bad attitude, no one should be left alone in their time of need. Therefore this weeks highlights will be on some of Malik's better moments.

Do you all remember when Melanie was living with Malik and Tasha and Malik had "girl talk with Melanie?

How about when Malik recognized how in love Melanie was with that wedding dress...As a result, Derwin bought the dress for her.

Remember how he really loved Robin Givens and went all the way to LA to get her back.

Or more recently when Malik talked some sense in Derwin and he didn't go to the divorce lawyer.

These are just a few of Malik Wrights better moments. What do you all think? Is he a good guy? Leave a comment and let me know what you think about Malik El Debarge Wright.

Also, Do you think Derwin should have been at the Press Conference?

Leave me some comments. I'm Jess Sayin, Game On Baby!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

TopTweets Treats!

It’s Thursday again! TopTweets Treats. This week has left me a little disappointed.  I was impressed by many of the TopTweets but here are few that impressed me.
"Starbucks new Trenta size,possibly, larger than your stomach" - @HuffPostFood

Just when I thought Americans coffee addiction couldn't get any worse...Starbucks invents the Trenta size.  I wonder how many millions this will cost you coffee addicts!

"Yo Britney, I'm really happy for you and I'mma let you be #1, but me and Jay-Z single is one of the best songs of all time! LOL" - @KanyeWest

Well apparently this statement caused an uproar amongst Britney fans.  Personally I think Kanye was being rather pleasant considering his previous rude statements (i.e Taylor Swift).

“I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.” -@Lynette_Aqu
I agree! Not that I have anything secret on my computer….
“MYTH BUSTED: There’s NO 13th Zodiac sign, and your Zodiac sign has NOT changed!” -@OMGFacts  
For those of you who checked out my TopTweets treat last week…you heard it here first…I’m jess sayin!

“Has anyone noticed that the "lol" symbol looks like a little drowning guy? I'm gonna go ahead and say he's probably not laughing out loud” -@mindywhite
Yes I have noticed. And actually I find it quite funny and a little strange that I am not the only one who thought of it…

Thats the TopTweets for this week! Check back next Thursday. I'm Jess Sayin

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Game Day is Here Again

Am I the only one that thinks that the episodes of the Game need to be an hour long? Tonight’s episode was too short! But it did have some great scenes. Here are a few of my highlights:

3.  Kelly and Tasha friends again J

2.  Melanie confessed to Derwin that DJ is his son. But that’s not it! Janay said here’s the DNA test, you are the father and I’ll see you in court (BURN)

1. Dip and Pitts and Dip and Pitts! I personally loved Jason’s new song!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

TopTweet Treats

It’s Thursday and that means its time for my TopTweets Treat!  What is a “TopTweet Treat?” Well thanks for asking! It’s a compliation of some of my favorite tweets taken from Twitters TopTweets.  For those who are Twitter challenged (like me a few weeks ago), I’ll explain further.  On Twitters homepage there is a constant feed of some of the most interesting  tweets spreading across Twitter. Here are my favs...

“Wow. Apparently there’s a new Zodiac sign called #Ophiuchus.  That sounds like it could be an STD, a Greek God, or Oprah’s scientific name.” -@HerbertFromFG
By now I’m sure you have heard that there is a new zodiac sign called Ophiuchus.  Or is there? Apparently this new sign horror comes for Astronomer Parke Kunkle, who in a interview with the Minneapolis Star-Tribune  said that the alignment of the sun is different from when the zodiac  was created 3,000 years ago, “Creating about a one month bump in the stars alignment.”  Well that means that the zodiac system is all out of wack. According to the new alignment I’m now an Aquarius instead of a Pisces. But wait there is hope, according to a toptweet by @ZodiacLife: ”ALERT: Your Zodiac sign is based on the location of the stars at the time of your birth.  Ophiuchus did not appear until 2009.” So if you like me were born before 2009 you are safe! Its also important to note that according to an article by Mad Science, Parke Kunkle didn't tell the Star-Tribune that the zodiac ought to include 13 signs instead of 12 — especially since he doesn't believe in astrology at all.”

“There are SO many good writers struggling to get their 1st publishing contract.  Breaks my heart to see Snooki’s book taking up space in a store.” -@jodipicoult
Where are the Jersey Shore fans?! I must admit that it has been a struggle not to be sucked into the Jersey Shore Phenomeon, but everytime I hear of something like the MTV’s New Years Eve Snooki ball drop or are all people from Jersey like the kids from the Jersey Shore, I remember why I should not support that show. Now Snooki is coming out with a book? “A Shore Thing” follows the character Gia Spumanti at the Jersey Shore.  As Snooki admits in an interview on the Today Show  it’s the Jersey Shore in written word. SMH. I have to agree with @jodipicoult she’s taking up space and is a disgrace to all the real writers in the world.
Rosa Parks sat, Martin Luther King Walked, & Obama ran so Gucci Mane could get an ice cream face tattoo.”- @Novagiovanni
 As if he isn’t unattractive enough (I’m being nice), he goes and puts an ice cream cone on his FACE! Honestly I shouldn’t have to say anything else, except we take two steps forward (Obama) and three steps back (Gucci Mane)

 Did you know VODKA makes for a good facial cleanser? Use a cotton ball to apply to face, also tightens pores.” -@ iTweetFacts
To everyone who has ever said alcohol is bad for you..take that lol. I had to laugh at this one too. Could it be true? Well according to an article by the Associated Content  it is very true! Since the leading ingredient in vodka is alcohol as in may over the counter facial cleansers Vodka is very effective. But that’s not all its good for. The same article reports household uses for Smirnoff Vodka, including Spot remover for carpets and clothing and Removing adhesive from surfaces which have had stickers and tape on them.
“Dudes that cheat on their lady with an unattractive girl should be charged with a misdemeanor”-@HeyKikO
Cheating is wrong, but if you’re going to do it, make sure she’s pretty. I will understand a little more.
I laugh when other people laugh, even if I don't know what they're laughing about haha ;)” @stephenjerzak

Who hasn’t done this lol. I’m glad to know that I am not the only one in the world that laughs now and asks later.

“I love u & I hate u. its like I wanna push u up against the wall and kiss u one minute & the next I wanna throw you down a flight of stairs.”  – @Quotealicious
Hmm..why does tweet remind me of Rihanna and Neyo's song "Hate That I Love You"

“Today is 1/11/11..If u take the last 2 digits of your birth year & add how old u will be turning this year.. it will equal 111” -@JayOHoliday

Try it! It really works!
That’s it for this weeks Toptweets Treats. Come back next Thursday for more!  And leave me a comment with some of your fav tweets of this week. I’m Jess Sayin..Tweet on!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Photo by BrokenSphere.
I, like so many others have the unfortunate burden of taking public transportation, namely the bus. While the bus will certainly get you from point A to point B, it will not necessarily provide a pleasant trip. Ok lets be real…it will out right piss you off!  Is there no bus etiquette?  Well if there isn’t I am about to provide some tips to make everyone’s trip a little more comfortable. Please take these tips or GET OFF THE BUS!!

The biggest issue I have with bus riders is there insistence on playing  music from their cell phones for everyone on the bus.  I call these people “Bus DJ’S.”  Now of course not everyone is a “Bus DJ.” Some people are courteous enough to plug in there earphones while listening to their cell phones, iPods, or MP3 players.  But if you’re a “Bus DJ,” this is for you. Everyone does not want to hear you’re Waka Flaka Flame, your Keysha Cole, or any one of your mixes! So do us all a favor and invest in some headphones or SIR/MAAM….GET OFF THE BUS!   
Next up are the people with bad B.O.  Now some people work very hard, doing physical labor all day and they become a little ripe, but there is no excuse for you to smell that bad at 8:00 am. Do everyone a favor and make sure your fresh or by all means, SIR/MAAM…GET OFF THE BUS!
We all know buses can be crowded, space is scarce. So this next issue will encompass various problems that come along with lack of space on the bus.  First off, I know you want to sit down, but just because there is an empty seat, does not mean you can fit there. Secondly, when there are a million people on the bus and someone brushes up against you, cursing and an attitude is unnecessary. There is a millimeter of space, please calm down! For those people who must squeeze through to get to the back of the bus an excuse me will do just fine.  In essence be considerate of peoples space or SIR/MAAM…GET OFF THE BUS!

This next bus offender, I like to call the “Devotional Leader.” Why are you so loud? I don’t care about what pookie did last night, how you got so f’d up, why you got locked up, or any of your testimonies! Keep it down please or SIR/MAAM…GET OFF THE BUS!

And finally, bus fare is a dollar and some change. The machine takes single dollars or coins. Please do not come on the bus asking for change for a 5, 10, 20, or anything else. This is not the corner store or the bank. How dare you get upset because we don’t have your bus fare? Please stop holding everyone up and come prepared with your exact fare or SIR/MAAM…GET OFF THE BUS!
These are some simple tips to make everyone on the bus feel a little better. Take them seriously they may save some anguish. Also, everyone leave comments and tell what you would add to my good bus etiquette list. And look out for part two “Help Me on the Bus.”
I’m Jess Sayin, be considerate or GET OFF THE BUS!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Game On B****es!  I hope everyone watched the Premiere of The Game on Bet. If you didn’t you missed it! But it’s ok I’m here to get you up to speed. Here are my top 5 highlights:
5.  All I have to say is welcome to Cougar Town! Tasha Mack found her a young man! Terrance J did his thing in the role of Dante, Tasha's new boy toy!  Go Terrance you’re looking good.
4.  Kelly has a new reality show and a new attitude. And her attitude sucks!  She’s no longer the doormat, happy go lucky Kelly we all remember.  Now she’s kicking asses and taking names. And at the top of her list is Tasha Mack.
3.  Malik is sleeping with Megan Good’s character, the wife of the Sabers new owner. While Megan Good’s character is annoying, the new team owner needs to be taken down a few notches.
2.  And to continue in Malik’s reckless behavior…Malik how could you steal Tee Tee’s girl?!  That’s your boy! SMH
1.  The DNA test! Melanie you’re messing up already. Getting people in their residency to do your DNA tests? Really?! Derwin you are not the father…No wait you are? This would never happen on Maury.
Check out initial reactions on my sisters Vlog ft. yours truly….

Check back every Tuesday for my post Game Wrap Up!  I’m Jess Sayin GAME ON!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011



The Countdown has begun!! Season 4 of Bet's The Game is only 2 days away! Am I the only one who’s excited? I hope not!! After a two year hiatus The Sabers are back in full effect. In preparation for The Game let’s recap.

Last we saw the Saber Crew...

After years of an on again, off again romance Melanie Barnett (Tia Mowry-Hardrict) and Derwin Davis (Pooch Hall) finally tied the knot!! Of course not before Janay Price, Darwin’s baby mamma gave birth to a baby boy.

Jason Pitts ( Coby Bell ) and Kelly Pitts (Brittany Daniel) finalized their divorce. (tear, tear). Jason was dating local sports caster Camille Rose, played by Stacy Dash. Good news for Jason, bad news for Kelly. After a series of insignificant relationships, Kelly finds that she is still in love with Jason. And who can forget the final episode when Kelly knocked out Tasha Mack! I guess Tasha didn’t have time to get to her trunk.

And speaking of Tasha Mack (Wendy Raquel Robinson) the last episode left us wondering  if she and Rick Fox would get back together.

Malik Wright (Hosea Chanchez) aka 40 million dollars finally met his father “Punk ass Chauncey” and his sister Pucci.

What can we expect this season…

According to sources the show picks up two years later. Melanie and Derwin are newlyweds raising  Derwin’s two year old son. Derwin has made a name for himself and Melanie is enjoying all the benefits of being an NFL wife.  Kelly has a reality show. Tasha has become successful in her career as a manager.

This leaves room for some major questions…

Is Jason still dating Camille? Has Malik finally retired his player ways? Are Tasha and Rick married? Is Melanie pregnant? And what drama are newcomers Terrance J and Megan Good going to bring to Sabers?

Tune in to BET’s The Game, on Tuesday, 1.11.11 @ 10pm for the hour long premiere. And check back here every Tuesday for my Game Time coverage. Game on Sabers!!